Your mental health is important. Let me say this again. YOUR MENTAL HEALTH IS IMPORTANT! I know we try to go through life pretending like we are all perfectly fine but it doesn't hurt to take some time for yourself. If you need to spend some time away from your family or friends, then do it and don't feel bad about it either. Also don't ever apologize for having to take care of yourself. It's great to give and care for others and be all selfless, blah blah blah but who is doing that for you. When do you get a chance to experience that type of love that you are giving to others. You don't need to cater to everyone all the time. Instead of spewing "Yes" everywhere, try throwing a hard "No". Put your phone on silent for a few hours or days. Check it when it's convenient for you. It took me some time to realize I was draining my energy in other people without any expectation that they would return that same energy when I needed it.
This year has been a very eye opening year for me. I've come to know myself more now than I have in the last 27 years of my life. My decisions were not true to myself, my movements were not my own, my thoughts were fueled by the comfort of others, everything was just too much. I thought to myself "What the hell am I am doing?". I had no real concrete sight for my future, the promises to myself were empty, and no real clue why I was doing what I was doing at that moment. This realization was beyond scary. I started to identify the stressors in my life and one by one I eliminated them. I'm moving at my own pace, listening to what my mind and body actually wanted to do, then continued forward from there. This year I left my job, traveled around the country and in that time, I found an amazing therapist. These were the best decisions I made for myself. I didn't listen to anyone's objections or judgement. And that's another thing, for some reason people believe that they know what's best for you by offering their unsolicited advise, sending you negative energy, and predicting your failure. Those types of people are easily expendable. I have found no problem blocking and ignoring others for the sake of my own sanity. You hold the controls for your life and only you make the decisions.