Contains scenes with gore, dismemberment, etc. Vulgar language.
Kara – 24 years old, girlfriend of Julian, aggressive, control-freak, pleasant when necessary, proud serial killer, Experienced a rough childhood.
Julian - 25 years old, boyfriend of Kara, enjoys Kara’s psychotic tendencies, likes to annoy Kara for his own enjoyment, also a proud serial killer, sweet talker, loving, likes to be ontime, an author inspired by his own victims. Normal childhood.
Ms. Rosa – Nosy elderly neighbor with a strong physical attraction to Julian. Is always conveniently cleaning the front of her house when Kara and Julian come home.
Bill – Julian’s father, Currently a retired police officer. Lives at home alone, His wife passed away about 2 years ago.
Scene I
The stage remains dark but the audience is able to see movement. It is about 1am. There are sounds of crickets and winds rustling through the trees. Two silhouettes appear and they seem to be carrying something that looks like a body of a third person. The two carrying the body are arguing but the vocals aren’t fully audible yet. Just aggravated mumbles are heard. As they get closer, their voices become much clearer and the actors become more visible.
(Annoyed) Can you lift up his legs a little higher? Feels like I’m doing all the work.
I have him, I’m holding him as high as I can. Why the hell did you choose this fat fuck anyway?
He gave me a parking ticket last Thursday.
Really? That’s why you chose this one. I bet you were parked illegally too. Next time, I get to choose cause this is ridiculous. Every time I let you out it’s always something, (mockingly) Oo she stepped on my shoe, he looked at me funny, she took the last box of frosted flakes...
Oo shut up and so what if I was parked illegally. It’s his fault he chose his crappy ass job and now I can get a kick outta watching him bleed.
Yeah yeah, hurry up before the chloroform wears off. It’s been a week since our last one. I need this one to go smoothly. Ok?
(Ignores him)
Ok Kara?
Kara... Kara! Kaaarrraaaa! (drops the legs of the victim) Hey!
Damn it! What?! What Julian? What do you want?
(Chuckles) Nothing
(Calm and slow) Julian, I’ll kill you and I won’t even think twice about it.
(Smirks) Oo I love it when you talk dirty (laughs and leaps over to hug her)
Kara is forced to drop the victim’s arms and tries to wiggle her way out of his embrace but fails as his large muscular arms wrap around her. Julian refuses to let go and gently pets her coily dark hair.
Ugh, let go of me (trying to be annoyed but really enjoys the attention)
Nope, not until I get a kiss riggghht here (points to his cheek)
Julian closes his eyes and wait for his request.
(smiles) Oo sure (she leans in, manages to get one of her hands free and slaps him playfully but sternly across the face) Now pick up his feet and lets go.
Ouch! (rubs his face then slowly grabs the feet of the victim) You’re lucky I love you.
Uh huh
They both grab the victim and continue to walk through this wooded but secluded area. After a few minutes, they come to this lonely cabin that was previously owned by a very cheery couple with many dogs. They died. The wife fell on a knife a couple times while chopping up some peppers in the kitchen and the husband drowned in the bathroom sink while washing his hands. Kara and Julian loved the convenience of this place and after the killing of the previous couple, they took the cabin as their own. As they lift the victim up the steps of the squeaky porch and into the cabin, they put him down on a steel table already covered with plastic in the living room near the kitchen. Next to the table was a smaller table with duct tape, plyers, a saw, an ax, a butcher’s knife, a hammer, nails etc. All the happy tools to create, once again, another exhilarating experience. Kara duct tapes the victim’s arms and legs to each side of the table while Julian raids the fridge for a beer.
(Yells from the kitchen) Hey babe, we got any beer left? (Finds the beer) Nevermind found it.
Come on, let’s start.
Julian walks into the living room while drinking his beer and watches Kara flirtatiously. Kara hands him a plastic jacket and some latex gloves. Then remove the victim’s clothing and examine his body for the first move.
I think we should remove his hand first. The same hand the fucker used to write that ticket. Can you hand me the saw? Everything is on your side.
(Hands her the saw) Do you actually even know which hand he writes with?
Umm, I believe it’s the right one. If anything we’ll just take both. Switch sides with me.
(Walks over to the other side)
(stares at the victim’s face) I’m really going to enjoy this.
Kara begins to saw just below his wrist, getting smoothly through his skin and now working roughly through the bone. Blood begins to splatter on their plastic jackets. The sound of the saw moving back and forth, cutting into the bone, began to excite Kara. Kara’s face was bright and eager like a child receiving a lollipop. Julian liked to watch her. His eyes followed the stroke of her arms.
Sooo babe, have you spoken to your father yet? (Still sawing)
(Now daydreaming into her face) ...
Hey!...did you talk to your dad?
Uh..What? Yeah, Yeah, I did.
Weeelll, what did he say? (Still sawing)
About what?
(Takes a deep breath) About us coming over so I could meet him?
Ooo That!
Yes that. (More than halfway through the bone)
I didn’t ask him about that.
(Frustrated) Why not? I thought you said you wanted me to meet you father?
I know, I’m sorry, I forgot. Are you sure now is the right time?
(Stops sawing just as the hand was completely severed) We’ve been together for about a year now. I think it’s time that I meet your dad.
Yes, I know. I’ll call him as soon as I can.
You’ll call him as soon as we get home.
Kara grabs the almost severed hand, cracks the remaining bone and pulls apart the rest of the attached skin. She sees some slight movement from the body and notices that he is waking up.
(Huffs) It’s about time you join the party.
The victim looks around feverishly. A bright bluish light beams directly above him. He struggles to get loose. Looks up at Kara’s smiling blood splattered face and slowly tries to find where the blood came from. He lifted his head and immediately starts screaming at the sight of his missing hand. The victim is unable to feel pain due to the drugging agent given to him beforehand. Kara found it to be much more excited to have him watch his body be dismembered without the distraction of pain. But of it now begins to wear off.
(Starts to laugh)
Surprise! (Dangles the severed hand over the victim’s face) remember me?
(Continues screaming)
Alright, Alright shut up now!
(Continues screaming)
I said SHUT UP! (Grabs his face and duct tapes it closed)
(Childlike smile) I want to start on his left foot. He’s going to look so funny with only two limbs.
Go ahead,babe. (Hands him the saw)
Julian moves down to the feet. He starts tickling them for a couple seconds while the victim (still panicking with muffled yelling) squirms around in horror.
Hmm maybe I should start at his knee. (thinks for a second) Yup, I’m gonna challenge myself today.
Julian places the saw in the exact spot he wants to start cutting. As he starts sawing, he starts to hum a random tune. Victim’s muffled screams continue. Kara searches on the small table for tweezers. She leans over the victim’s face, holds his eye open and begins to pull out his eyelashes.
Do you remember how we first met? (Pulls an eyelash)
(Now on top of the table trying to put more weight into the bone) (laughs) Yeah, I was following you home that night. (Loud muffled screams)
You were so obvious.
I didn’t think I was that obvious. You definitely ruined the plan. (Sawing slower)
Oo boo hoo, you aren’t smart enough to kill me. (Another eyelash) As soon as you walked up behind me, while I pretended to fiddle with my keys, I stabbed you in the shoulder with the blade I keep in my purse. Then you stared at me with lust and disbelief. I lifted my flowerpot broke it over your head and dragged you inside. (Another eyelash)
I don’t remember that last part but I do remember waking up in your bathtub wrapped and duct taped in your shower curtain. I don’t know how you got me in there by yourself but you are one strong ass woman. (Breaks through the knee joint)
Blood continues to pour out of the leg onto the floor and the victim eventually passes out.
Ha! Thanks (Flexes arms) If it wasn’t for your way with words I would have been planting flowers on your body in my backyard.
I bet.
I’m getting pretty hungry though. Let’s finish so I can eat.
His leg is pretty much done. (he lifts it to show off)
Ok, Make sure you remove his fingerprints. Get his teeth too and I’ll get to work on his torso.
Julian gets a small knife and slices off the victim’s fingerprints and lays them all in a neat row on the edge of the steel table. He grabs the pliers and begins pulling each tooth out, one by one. Kara covers her face with a paper mask and proceeds to break open the ribs but then pauses for a moment. She slaps the victim’s face a couple times to wake him up because who would want to miss the finale.
Well, I can say that I definitely enjoyed your company, now if you would be so kind... (brings her arms up until a slight bend in her back, then brings the knife crashing down into the chest of the victim with all her weight poured behind it.)
Scene II Act 1
Julian and Kara arrive home at about 6am. They stopped at McDonald’s on the way since it was the only place open and got the breakfast special, four Mcmuffins for $2. As they pull into the driveway, Ms. Rosa is sweeping her front yard in a short white robe exposing her veiny legs with lavender slippers. Kara grunts and forces her way out of the car, then slams the door shut. Julian takes a deep breath, rakes through is light brown curls with his fingers and hops out of the car. They both try to get into the house unseen but Ms. Rosa already saw them.
Ms. Rosa
Woo hooo! Why Good Morning Bunnies! (drops her broom and walks over)
Oo god (To Julian) Morning Ms. Rosa (unenthusiastically)
Ms. Rosa
You guys just getting home? I didn’t see your car out all night.
(sighs) Yes Ms. Rosa, it was date night. We spent the night at our place in Riverfield.
Ms. Rosa
Oo I see, how sweet! Wish I had me a man like you. Been married 5 times and each one of them was an old fool. (leans in and whispers) If this one doesn’t treat you well, I’ll be right next door. (winks)
(clears throat) Well we’re pretty tired.
Ms. Rosa
(Flirty) I bet you are, Maybe one day you can invite me out to your little house in Riverfield?
(mumbles) My pleasure...
Ms. Rosa
I’d love to see what happens during your date nights. I don’t get much company you know.
(smiles slightly with her eyes remaining cold) Choose the day.
(Quickly grabs Kara and proceeds to walk inside their home) Ok, we really should get inside now, See you later, Ms. Rosa
Ms. Rosa
Oo, bye my sweet bunnies (stares at Julian’s butt while he rushes inside)
Kara and Julian get inside and lock the door.
You know what?
She’s so annoying. It’s not like she knows anything.
Well what if she finds out, with her nosy self?
She won’t find out and if she does the shock of it all will probably kill the nosy bitch before we do anyway.
I’m not looking for us to get caught babe. This is the only thing that keeps me sane. Seeing the faces of our little experiments while we cut away at their body just adds to all of the excitement. I love to watch you. The passion in your eyes keeps my world at peace.
Ugh, Why you being all mushy?
(Shakes his head) Come here (pulls Kara close) You know I love you right?
I hope so.
Yup, I love your crazy ass.
Since you love me so much, Go get the phone and call you father.
(sighs) It’s really early Kara
(Stares at Julian until he is uncomfortable)
Julian walks into the dining room to get the house phone while Kara turns to peek through the curtain at the front door and watch Ms. Rosa. Julian dials the phone and waits for his father to answer.
Hey dad...
Yes I know what time it is ...
I just needed to ask you something...
No no, everything's going well...
I called now so I wouldn’t forget (looks over at Kara) ...
No, I’m not on any drugs dad...
Could you just listen for a moment?...
I, uh, was wondering if you would be free maybe next week?
(Kara yells “Tomorrow!”)
I mean tomorrow ...
I want you to meet my girlfriend, Kara...
My girlfriend? Kara?...
I did tell you about her...
(Kara slants her eyes at Julian)
Ok, anyway we’ll be over at about 8pm tomorrow, ok?
Yes, we’re making dinner (sighs)
Ok, I won’t call you at this time anymore...
Bye dad...
So you didn’t tell you father about me?
Yes, I did. He’s old, babe. You know they can’t remember things sometimes.
Yeah ok, I’m gonna go take a shower.
Ok, I’m going to continue writing my book. (Walks to the living room and sits at his desk where his computer is already powered up) (Yells over to Kara) What did you think about last night? Good enough to include.
It's fine.
Alright, well hurry up or I’ll eat your Mcmuffin.
Kara walks upstairs into the bathroom, turns on the shower and begins to remove her clothing. She stands in the mirror and stares at the large scars on her abdomen and thighs. She turns to look at her back and traces her eyes over the old cigarette burns that connect together to form a X. She remembers the face of her father and his friend when she was a child as they cut and burned her. The bathroom starts to get foggy so she enters the shower.
Scene II Act 2
The next day, Kara went to the mall to find a dress for dinner later that evening. Julian stays home to start preparing. He boils potatoes, slices onions and garlic, sautes them together in a pan and seasons some steak. Dinner is done when Kara finally gets home. Kara walks into the kitchen and admires the smell of the food.
Everything smells great. (Picks up a wooden spoon to tastes the sauteed potatoes)
Shesh, it took you long enough, We have to go. It’s already 7:15.
Calm down, I’ll be ready in a minute. (still tasting potatoes) These need a little bit more salt.
(annoyed) Add whatever you want, We need to go now. I’m gonna give you one minute then I’m leaving. The food is going to get cold.
(fumbling with the seasonings etc.) You’re pretty anxious for someone who didn’t even want me to meet his father (discreetly adds a few things to the potatoes)
Look, don’t start. Of course I wanted you to meet him. Let’s just go ok.
Alright, take everything to the car, I’ll be right there. Let me just put this dress on.
Julian grabs the food and puts it in the trunk of the car. Ms. Rosa is sitting out on her porch in her white robe knitting a place mate.
Ms. Rosa
Hey there handsome, Where are you going looking like a sweet chocolate cake?
Hi, Ms. Rosa, How are you?
Ms. Rosa
Better now that I’ve seen you.
Well, I hope you enjoy the rest your day Ms. Rosa.
Ms. Rosa
I just baked a pie, You want to come in for a bit? (exposes one of her shoulders) I swear I won’t bite.
No thanks, I’m about to have dinner.
Ms. Rosa
Aww well, You know you where you find me then (crosses her legs and plays with her robe so that it sits above her thighs)
(mumbles to self) Annoying old bag
Julian walks to the driver’s seat and waits in the car. Two minutes pass and he honks the car horn.
(Yells from the house) I’m coming out now
Kara rushes outside with one shoe still in her hands. She tries to walk and put it on at the same time but fails. Enters the car.
Scene III Act 1
They arrive at the house 5 minutes late. Julian tries to mask his frustration. He gets some of the food out of the trunk and walks over to his father’s door to ring the bell. Kara checks her makeup and prepares to get out of the car. Julian’s dad answers the door.
Took you long enough.
Nice to see you too, Dad
So where’s this girl you want me to meet?
She’s right behind me.
Bill looks over Julian’s shoulder and his eyes lock on Kara’s face. His face is written with terror. His hands begin to get numb and clammy.
Hey, Dad you ok? You don’t look too good.
Um...Oh (nervous laugh) I’m ok, I just felt a light headed.
(Walks over) Hello Bill (smiles slyly) Nice to finally see you.
(excited) This is her! This is Kara.
Yes, I see (wipes sweat beads from forehead) what a lovely girl...
You guys go inside, I need to get the rest of the food from the car.
Kara walks into the house and shows herself around. Bill stands by the door and watches her move in and out of the rooms.
Nice place you got here, Bill.
What are you doing here?
(ignores him) You live here by yourself?
Why are you here?
(Pauses in the hallway then walks briskly over to him)
(softly) Don’t play stupid with me, you know exactly why I here. (places a gentle hand on his face) I hope you’re hungry.
Scene III Act 2
Everyone is in the dining room which is brightly lit by a crystal chandelier hovering over the rosewood table. Bill is seated at the end of the table closest to the window, fiddling with his fingers with an expression looking as if he is fighting a deep thought. Kara is seated at the other end of the table closest to the exit for the room with her hands firmly clasped together. She stares at Bill intently with a small smirk on her face, enjoying the obvious panic written on his face. Then Julian walks in with a tray of food and places it on the table. He is unaware of the tension in the room and walks back out for the next tray. When Julian returns, he notices that Bill and Kara have not moved, still holding their same positions. He turns to Bill.
You must be really hungry? You’re not usually this quiet.
(Glances up at Julian) Oo...yeah, I haven’t had much today. (swallows a large lump in his throat and turns to look back at Kara)
Well I can’t wait for you to try the food. It didn’t take long to make.
(sigh of relief) Oo, you cooked? Always knew you’d take after your mother.
(changes the subject) So, Bill have you been using your time since you’ve been retired?
(Carefully answers the question vaguely) I’ve just been keeping myself busy.
Dad, don't be modest, He’s still pretty active with his colleagues at the station. He observes case with children who have been mentally and physically abused. It’s honestly pretty sad. Most of these children are abused by a parent or relative. After that it’s usually over for... (remembers Kara mentioning briefly about her childhood abuse earlier in their relationship)
(looks at Kara) I’m sorry.
(ignores him) (To Bill) Must be at bit lonely being here by yourself and all. What is it that happened to your wife?
Uh Kara, I don’t think this topic is...
No it’s ok, Right Bill, You don’t mind.
No... it’s fine. I’ve come to peace with her death now.
That’s sweet. (emotionless)
Julian looks confused and wonders about the strange tension hovering over the room.
Shouldn’t we begin eating? The food will get cold.
Sure, do you mind serving while your father and I talk?
Julian turns to her and raises an eyebrow.
So Bill... (Waits for him to continue)
She was driving home one night from work. It was late. I always tell her call me when it’s late so I can come get her if she is tired but she was so stubborn. She thought she’d be ok, which I never doubted. She was driving home and her car started to smoke so she pulled over to the side of the highway to see what was wrong. I remember she called saying she would be home later because she was waiting for the tow truck. I should have went to get her but she refused. God, I was so stupid. As she was waiting, she stepped outside of the car, I guess to have a smoke. I’m not sure what happened next but they said a car came speeding down the highway and struck her. Tossing her body into a tree, breaking her spine and cracking open her skull. She died immediately. They never found the person who did it. The fucker didn't even have the decency to stop. Just kept going and left her there. I just can’t imagine... (Tries to hold back tears).
Dad, I don’t think we should talk about this anymore. Can we just eat please? (picks up his fork)
Bill stares at his food, questioning if he should take a bite and then remembers that Julian cooked the food so he had nothing to worry about. He grabs his knife and fork and begins to eat slowly. Julian starts to eat as well. Kara remains still with her hands still firmly clasp and listens to the clanging of utensils against the porcelain plates.
I bet she was a great teacher, your wife.
Bill looks up at her from his plate.
(Kara continues) I heard being a high school math teacher is tough with all those kids going through their puberty issues and whatnot (Chuckles) (directed at Julian) did she usually help you with your homework?
Not all the time but...Babe, how did you know she was a teacher? I don’t remember telling you that. (still eating)
(ignoring Julian) I just think it is a shame that her car just broke down like that. Usually Toyotas make good cars.
Bill stares at her with great fury as she speaks, realizing the information she is saying was never disclosed.
Kara, What’s going on? How do you know what car she drove?
(Explodes) YOU DID IT, DIDN’T YOU?!
Wait, did what? Kara!
(calmly) Your perfect little wife, meant a lot to you, didn't she? You had the life you always wanted, huh?
Dad! What the fuck? Kara! What the hell are you talking about?
You honestly don’t get it.
Julian, She killed your mother!
Ding Ding Ding, You got it!
Julian searched for something to say. He can’t fathom how this could be true.He recalled the events of how him and Kara met and none of it made sense. How could she have done this if she was once his prey? He sought her out…so he thought.
Kara continues speaking.
Before you ask me the dumb question of why, I will refresh your memory a bit. After my mother died, my father tried to find ways to cope so he took to drinking as a comfort. Every night he would come home from work drunk with one of his friends in an angry rage, blame me for my mother’s death and tell me how much he hated that I looked like her. He said I was a mistake that should have never happened. I remember him grabbing me as I tried to get away from him one night. He grabbed one of my legs, lifted me up but before he could get me high enough my head slammed on the edge of our coffee table and down poured blood from my head. I passed out and woke up with my hands tied to the shower rod in the bathroom with bruises on my face. I felt like I had been swinging there for hours or days. I don't even know. Another day, he and his friend called me into the living room while they were smoking cigarettes and took turns burning my back. They’d held me down and threatened to do worse if I did not stay still.
(Cuts in) Wait, what does this have to do with my mother, why did you do this?!
(Subtle anger) Don’t ever interrupt me. Your father was called to my home several times by the neighbors. Most of them seeing that I sported around a new bruise every other day, they would hear my screams and pleas, but your brilliant father did nothing to help me. Your father and mine would stand outside of the house talking about me being an unruly child and needing attention. (To Bill) You didn't even ask to see me. You didn’t even check to see if I was ok. I saw you though. I saw you take money from him. He paid you to torture me!
Oh god, I’m sorry, I didn’t know! but my wife, why? Why her? (starts to sob) (Begins to feel dizzy)
Fuck your wife! Each time, I saw you wander off to you perfect life full of happiness, joy, and bullshit. Why the hell should you get to be so happy? You could have helped me and all you did was turn your back on me. So after their “accidental” deaths, I buried my father and his loyal friend, then made a vow to make you suffer too. So I started with you wife. Surprise!
(Begins to feel groggy) What about us?... Kara (pauses) Kara ...you don’t love me?... Oh my god! You...killed my mother. Kara! (vision starts to blur)
I don’t love anyone, my darling idiot. And yes I did kill your mother. Very soon you both will be reunited with her.
(Also feeling groggy) What did you...? The food.. But Julian…
Yeah, I was surprised you ate it. Thought I would have to move to plan B. Your gullible, idiot son allowed me to add any “seasoning” I wanted which gave me the perfect opportunity. But anyway I’ll see you soon.
Bill and Julian try to fight the sedative but soon, slid from their chairs and landed hard on the floor. Kara quickly got up proceeded with her plan.
Scene IV Act 1
Kara stops home with Bill and Julian in the trunk of her car and picks up a few things to follow through with their dismemberment. As she exits the car, Ms. Rosa appears behind her, startling Kara.
Ms. Rosa
Oh Jesus, My dear, I didn’t mean to startle you. I was wondering when you guys would get home. I wanted Julian to fix this leak I have. (Looks over at the car) Where is he?
I can’t talk right now
Ms. Rosa
Well Bunny, will he be home soon?
Not now
Ms. Rosa
Oh no, (trying to sound concerned) did you guys have a little fight?
(Silent) (Turns away and walks toward the front door)
Ms. Rosa
You know, I’d be willing to take him off your hands. I could straighten him out real good (her mind wanders off somewhere). I mean, that is if you don’t want him no more. (chuckles to herself)
(to herself) I may have to kill this bitch. She wasn’t part of the plan but I guess I could squeeze her in. Ugh, how the hell... maybe when I get back. If she would just stop talking, I could get this done and come back to finish her off. (to Ms. Rosa) I really have to go.
Ms. Rosa
Oh, no problem dear, I’ll just go back to my empty house and do nothing. I could really use some company.
Kara ignores Ms. Rosa and decides not to go into the house. She gets back into the car and concludes that she will just use the tools already at the cabin. When she arrives to the cabin, she realizes that she doesn’t have much time left before the sedative wears off. She quickly grabs Bill out of the trunk and drags him up the stairs, into the cabin. She removes his clothing and secures his arms and legs onto a steel table. Then she runs out to get Julian and does the same. After making sure their limbs are secure. She grabs a beer from the fridge, lights a cigarette and waits for them to wake up.
To be