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Quite Frankly
Dec 7, 20212 min read
Biomimicry - Waste Management: Part 5
This week, we are in the final stages of our project. We were able to successfully launch a survey and card sort activity where we...

Quite Frankly
Nov 30, 20212 min read
Biomimicry - Waste Management: Part 4
Biomimicry is such a fascinating topic to explore and now that we (My group and I) are a couple of weeks into this project, we have been...

Quite Frankly
Nov 30, 20212 min read
Let's Tell a Story!
In this week's reading, our lecture and readings focused on using your research to tell a story, user personas, and how to break down...

Quite Frankly
Nov 23, 20212 min read
Biomimicry - Waste Management: Part 3
For my project this week, I explored various design methods by going through Hanington & Martin's, " Universal Methods of Design". This...

Quite Frankly
Nov 22, 20211 min read
Make, Make, and Remake!
Prototyping and Brainstorming was the theme of this week's readings and lectures. In Piantella's lectures, she gives us a few steps to...

Quite Frankly
Nov 16, 20212 min read
Biomimicry - Waste Management: Part 2
This week, my group and I met together to discuss the possible stakeholders for our project. We decided to narrow our location to just...

Quite Frankly
Nov 13, 20212 min read
What's Your Method of Design?
This week's lectures and readings reached further into various design methods and research. In "The Importance of People", Piantella...

Quite Frankly
Nov 9, 20213 min read
Biomimicry - Waste Management
"Biomimicry is the emulation of the systems and elements of nature for the purpose of solving complex human problems." I hadn't heard of...

Quite Frankly
Nov 9, 20212 min read
How Do We Research?
In this week's lectures and readings, I was really appreciative of the content especially from Benedetta Piantella and Mathew Frankel....

Quite Frankly
Nov 2, 20213 min read
Time Capsule - Part III
For the final part of my time capsule, I decided I wanted to create a comic to bring the story to life. My story for this project is...

Quite Frankly
Oct 30, 20212 min read
Strive For Progress, Not Perfection!
The lecture "Dividing Projects In Phases" by Benedetta Piantella couldn't have come at a better time. I am guilty of trying to make...

Quite Frankly
Oct 25, 20213 min read
Time Capsule Part II
This week's assignment took me a lot longer to think about than the rest. I would normally have a clear idea of what I would like to make...

Quite Frankly
Oct 23, 20212 min read
Understanding Comics
This week's reading "Understanding Comics" by Scott McCloud took us into the makings of comics and the various styles used when they are...

Quite Frankly
Oct 19, 20213 min read
Time Capsule Part I
This project took a lot of thought and several days to fully decide what I wanted to include in my Time Capsule. While looking around my...

Quite Frankly
Oct 17, 20212 min read
Storytelling is an Art Form
While reading this week's lecture, I enjoyed the connection of storytelling to philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, Confucius etc. It...

Quite Frankly
Oct 4, 20214 min read
Candy Crush- Translating Affordances
Candy Crush is one of those popular games that everyone couldn't stop talking about when it came out. It was incredibly addicting and...

Quite Frankly
Oct 3, 20212 min read
"Humans Think Through Metaphors"
In the lecture "Models & Metaphors", metaphors are explained with their relation to design and how we use them throughout our language....

Quite Frankly
Sep 26, 20213 min read
The Hawksbill Turtle
The Hawksbill turtle is considered to be critically endangered with a population of about 10,000 in the world. They are mostly found in...

Quite Frankly
Sep 25, 20213 min read
"Should the Future of Interaction be a Single Finger?"
I don't believe I've resonated so much with an article like "A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design" by Bret Victor. It...

Quite Frankly
Sep 19, 20212 min read
Let Your Mind Be Free - 50 Shades
50 different renderings can seem like a lot when your are overthinking the process. When I first heard of the assignment, I immediately...
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